It’s going to be a late late night…

Oh dear, the pressure of being a parent is unending at this time of year. I just got a text from my middle daughter, a teenager in transition year in school. Or as we would call it, The Doss Year. The text said ‘Man can we stay in tonight and get loads of nice sweeties from tesco, and watch the late late toy show (and maybe get chinese) I love you xx’

See what I mean about pressure? Shocking basic grammar mistakes in that text, although I am thankful she never got into txtspk or I would still be trying to figure out what she was trying to say. So now I have to shower as my hair is stuck to my head from lack of washing yesterday and vast quantities of ointment on my face. I’ll have to drag myself off to Tesco to scan the sweet aisle, agonising about getting the balance right between eldest child with braces and what might stick her gob together if the sweets are too chewy and youngest child who really only likes minty sweets. Of course Tesco are doing an extra 25% off if you buy 6 bottles of wine which I will be compelled to buy ‘for Christmas’,

As for the Chinese take away, another avenue fraught with danger. Eldest child will want to order from some new place she discovered a few weeks ago, I’ll be beating a child to go around the corner and order from the local and at least one of them will want Indian or something from the chipper.

I can’t wait. I’m going to clean out the fire, do the all important sweet and wine shopping, buy what ever the hell they like for the dinner and if I have time, knit myself a Christmas jumper to rival any they may throw on the skinny frame of Ryan Tubrity, our host for the most important event in any Irish persons calendar. This year will feature St. Brigid’s GNS choir for the first time, a school I am proud to say I went to and my daughters went to also. Bring it on Tubs… 🙂

And in the latest development from the world wide web this happened… Go on, pick up some Irish Culture…